Sure—you know you’re writing an email to 5,000 people. But your task is to make your reader feel like you’re writing only to them.
When ‘broadcasting’ language slips into our writing, it becomes harder to connect with and motivate supporters. And yet most of us start out writing emails this way. The sooner you can train yourself out of this habit, the better.
‘Broadcasting’ language is like a Freudian slip that instantly reveals to your supporter that you’re not seeing them as an individual. It’s a rookie mistake—and yet it’s a trap that snags even seasoned advocates.
“I’m writing to you all today because...”
“As some of you may know...”
The language we use can either trigger these negative responses, or help to avoid them.
Firstly, shift your perspective. Think of yourself—not at a podium—but in someone’s lounge room. Visualize your supporter sitting opposite you. Lock eyes. Lean in. This mental image will keep you focussed on the individual at the receiving end of your email.
Next, review your content specifically for broadcasting language. You’re looking for culprits like “you all” and “some of you”—any words that are turning a singular ‘you’ into a plural ‘you’.
“I’m writing to you all today because...”
“As some of you may know...”
Wait a minute. Does this mean you can’t create community, harness social proof, or acknowledge the efforts of others? Not at all. There’s a big difference between addressing your supporter as a group and making your supporter feel like part of a group. Let’s look at examples that foster inclusion without making your email read like a noticeboard.
Broadcasting language:
“Our supporters have convinced...”
“If enough activists speak up today...”
“We need everyone to take urgent action right now!”
“Thanks to so many of you who took action...”
“Thousands of supporters have already signed on!”
“Thousands of you made the pledge!”
Inclusive language:
“Together, we convinced ...”
“If enough of us speak up today...”
“Your voice is urgently needed right now!”
“Thanks to people like you who took action...”
“Thousands of supporters like you have already signed on!”
“Thousands of people joined you to make the pledge!”
Inclusive language reduces abstraction and positions your supporter at the heart of the action. It enhances accountability and validation. Importantly, this lets you recognize your supporter’s connection to community, without diminishing their contribution as an individual.
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