Hello, Changemaker!

Karen Nilsen

Hi I’m Karen. I want to share with you the tactics I’ve used to build digital power and engage a supporter base of millions. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Find Common Ground

It’s not hard to preach to the choir. Or to mount an argument so agreeable that it won’t offend or challenge anyone. The business of wide-scale change-making affords us neither of these luxuries. Since you’re reading...

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It’s not hard to preach to the choir. Or to mount an argument so agreeable that it won’t offend or challenge anyone...

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Why You Need to Stop Talking about Yourself

Imagine you’re at a party. There are plenty of new people you could meet and talk to. There’s a guy talking himself up. You know—all the work he has to do; his accomplishments; how great everyone thinks...

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Imagine you’re at a party. There are plenty of new people you could meet and talk to. There’s a guy talking himself up...

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What’s the Perfect Subject Line Length?

In 2024, more emails are being viewed on iPhones than any other device. The average iPhone affords us a measly 41 characters before subject lines are cropped. That’s roughly seven words. Anything beyond this and you...

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In 2024, more emails are being viewed on iPhones than any other device. The average iPhone affords us a measly 41 characters...

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Show. Don’t Tell.

Your reader trusts their own mind way more than they trust yours. No offense but it’s true. Knowing this, try to avoid ‘telling’ people what to think. That includes making assertions that some things are cruel,...

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Your reader trusts their own mind way more than they trust yours. No offense but it’s true. Knowing this, try to avoid...

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Say Thanks (and Mean It)

Great action pages will attract people via social media, search, traditional media, and even word of mouth. This means they’re ideal for list-building. It also means that action pages are often the first meaningful touchpoint for new...

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Great action pages will attract people via social media, search, traditional media, and even word of mouth. This means they’re ideal for list-building...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Segmentation

So you’ve cracked the code to writing a great email. The next step is to push it out to as many people as possible, right? Wrong. Segmentation is the practice of dividing your supporters...

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So you’ve cracked the code to writing a great email. The next step is to push it out to as many people...

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