Found 17 topics tagged ‘Gaining Attention’

Don’t Let These ‘Cognitive Biases’ Hurt Your Conversion Rates

Cognitive biases are powerful mental distortions that affect the way we think and behave. They are so powerful that they can lead people to act against their own best interests. If you understand them, you can...

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Cognitive biases are powerful mental distortions that affect the way we think and behave. They are so powerful that they can lead...

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6 Ways to Make Page Titles Click-Worthy (Not Click-Baity)

On the surface, it looks like the purpose of a title is to introduce the content of a webpage. But of course—you know that’s not it at all! Your title or headline’s strategic function is to...

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On the surface, it looks like the purpose of a title is to introduce the content of a webpage. But of course—you...

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Top 10 Ways to Turbocharge Your Digital Comms

Let’s be honest, this stuff is hard. Never in human history has there been a communication medium more competitive than the Internet. Never has our collective attention span been more fleeting. As much as...

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Let’s be honest, this stuff is hard. Never in human history has there been a communication medium more competitive than the Internet...

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What Makes a Good ‘Hero Image’?

A ‘hero’ image is one that carries the most visual weight in your layout. Usually accompanying your headline, this is the image that greets your reader when they hit your page. If your page doesn’t have...

7 minute read

A ‘hero’ image is one that carries the most visual weight in your layout. Usually accompanying your headline, this is the image...

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11 Ways to Give Subject Lines Consequence (with Examples)

Consider the moment before your supporter decides whether to open your email. They must sacrifice something in order to give you their attention. Either, they’ll need to delay the thing they were about to do next, or...

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Consider the moment before your supporter decides whether to open your email. They must sacrifice something in order to give you their attention...

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Why You Need to Stop Talking about Yourself

Imagine you’re at a party. There are plenty of new people you could meet and talk to. There’s a guy talking himself up. You know—all the work he has to do; his accomplishments; how great everyone thinks...

2 minute read

Imagine you’re at a party. There are plenty of new people you could meet and talk to. There’s a guy talking himself up...

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