Found 26 topics tagged ‘Advocacy 101’

One Email. ONE ASK.

Sometimes, the purpose of an email can be simply to inform. But often, we’re trying to get someone somewhere. An action page. A donation form. A video... When your email has a destination, be protective of...

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Sometimes, the purpose of an email can be simply to inform. But often, we’re trying to get someone somewhere. An action page. A...

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Don’t Be a Hero (Make Your Supporter the Hero!)

I’m not saying don’t do heroic things. Keep that up! But when you’re telling your supporters a story of injustice, there’s only space for one hero—and it’s not you. Let me explain... Every story...

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I’m not saying don’t do heroic things. Keep that up! But when you’re telling your supporters a story of injustice, there’s only...

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This Is What Happens When You Address Your Reader as a ‘Group’

SPOILER: it’s not good. Sure—you know you’re writing an email to 5,000 people. But your task is to make your reader feel like you’re writing only to them. When ‘broadcasting’ language slips into our writing,...

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SPOILER: it’s not good. Sure—you know you’re writing an email to 5,000 people. But your task is to make your reader feel like...

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Why ‘Busting Myths’ Often Backfires

How tempting is it to ‘bust myths’ and confront your opponent’s ridiculous claims head-on!? Hint: very. Proceed with caution—countering false claims can unintentionally reinforce them. However, if you can reframe the conversation, you get to own it...

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How tempting is it to ‘bust myths’ and confront your opponent’s ridiculous claims head-on!? Hint: very. Proceed with caution—countering false claims can unintentionally...

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Top 10 Ways to Turbocharge Your Digital Comms

Let’s be honest, this stuff is hard. Never in human history has there been a communication medium more competitive than the Internet. Never has our collective attention span been more fleeting. As much as...

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Let’s be honest, this stuff is hard. Never in human history has there been a communication medium more competitive than the Internet...

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Articulate Your ‘Theory of Change’

You might know definitively that your call-to-action (CTA) is the single-most strategic thing your supporters can do today to help your cause. But don’t expect anyone to take your word for it. Make the effort to...

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You might know definitively that your call-to-action (CTA) is the single-most strategic thing your supporters can do today to help your cause...

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