Whether your call to action (CTA) is a button or a link, don’t get too clever. Speak directly to your supporter and tell them exactly what you want them to do. In our tests, this always increases conversion.
Less effective CTA text
“CruelCompany™ needs to hear that animal abuse is not okay!“
More effective CTA text
“Click here to tell CruelCompany™ that animal abuse is not okay!”
CTAs can build meaning when they describe the outcome your action is seeking. Outcome-oriented links and buttons articulate uniqueness and reinforce your theory of change.
Outcome-oriented CTA button examples:
That said, simple directions like “Sign the petition”and “Donate now” never fail! If your action page sends emails to a campaign target, avoid using CTAs like “send an email” (people know to send emails from their email program; not your website). Instead, choose labels like “Take action” or “Speak out now”. Only ask supporters to “email” when you are offering up a mailto: link.
You’ve sent your action or appeal broadcast. It went okay. But you’re not satisfied that enough supporters noticed it or recognized its urgency. Enter, the chaser email. This is one of the simplest tricks in the book...
You’ve sent your action or appeal broadcast. It went okay. But you’re not satisfied that enough supporters noticed it or recognized its urgency...
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