Found 24 topics tagged ‘Persuasive Writing’

Top 10 Ways to Turbocharge Your Digital Comms

Let’s be honest, this stuff is hard. Never in human history has there been a communication medium more competitive than the Internet. Never has our collective attention span been more fleeting. As much as...

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Let’s be honest, this stuff is hard. Never in human history has there been a communication medium more competitive than the Internet...

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Engage Your Reader’s Emotional Brain

Inboxes aren’t often exciting places. Neither are the majority of web pages, if we’re honest. This can work to your advantage. Your content will stand out when you can reach your supporter’s emotional brain. This is...

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Inboxes aren’t often exciting places. Neither are the majority of web pages, if we’re honest. This can work to your advantage. Your...

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What’s a “Crisitunity”?

We have Homer Simpson to thank for the term that perfectly describes a communication model that turbocharges action requests with urgency. Because of this, it’s been adopted by all the most successful online action platforms...

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We have Homer Simpson to thank for the term that perfectly describes a communication model that turbocharges action requests with urgency. Because...

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Say More (by Saying Less)

Knowing how much or how little to say starts with being clear about your objective. Rarely is it our job to turn readers into subject-matter experts. Mostly, we’re in the business of motivating people to action. If...

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Knowing how much or how little to say starts with being clear about your objective. Rarely is it our job to turn readers...

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One Email. ONE ASK.

Sometimes, the purpose of an email can be simply to inform. But often, we’re trying to get someone somewhere. An action page. A donation form. A video... When your email has a destination, be protective of...

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Sometimes, the purpose of an email can be simply to inform. But often, we’re trying to get someone somewhere. An action page. A...

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Choose the Right Messenger

Great communication is not just about what you say but how you say it. Who says it also matters. You won’t always be the best vehicle for your message. It helps to know when someone else...

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Great communication is not just about what you say but how you say it. Who says it also matters. You won’t always...

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