Great communication is not just about what you say but how you say it. Who says it also matters. You won’t always be the best vehicle for your message. It helps to know when someone else...
5 minute readGreat communication is not just about what you say but how you say it. Who says it also matters. You won’t always...
Learn thisDoes this sound familiar? Back up your position with facts; the more reasons you can offer, the more persuasive your argument. Right? Not quite. Sometimes, trying to convince someone with a series of facts can feel...
2 minute readDoes this sound familiar? Back up your position with facts; the more reasons you can offer, the more persuasive your argument. Right?...
Keep readingCognitive biases are powerful mental distortions that affect the way we think and behave. They are so powerful that they can lead people to act against their own best interests. If you understand them, you can...
2 minute readCognitive biases are powerful mental distortions that affect the way we think and behave. They are so powerful that they can lead...
Read thisImagine you’re at a party. There are plenty of new people you could meet and talk to. There’s a guy talking himself up. You know—all the work he has to do; his accomplishments; how great everyone thinks...
2 minute readImagine you’re at a party. There are plenty of new people you could meet and talk to. There’s a guy talking himself up...
Learn thisInboxes aren’t often exciting places. Neither are the majority of web pages, if we’re honest. This can work to your advantage. Your content will stand out when you can reach your supporter’s emotional brain. This is...
6 minute readInboxes aren’t often exciting places. Neither are the majority of web pages, if we’re honest. This can work to your advantage. Your...
Learn thisWe have Homer Simpson to thank for the term that perfectly describes a communication model that turbocharges action requests with urgency. Because of this, it’s been adopted by all the most successful online action platforms...
2 minute readWe have Homer Simpson to thank for the term that perfectly describes a communication model that turbocharges action requests with urgency. Because...
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