Hello, Changemaker!

Karen Nilsen

Hi I’m Karen. I want to share with you the tactics I’ve used to build digital power and engage a supporter base of millions. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

How ‘List Health’ Affects Email Open Rates

How does the past experience of people on your list influence their interest in receiving ongoing email from you? It turns out quite a lot. The measure of overall email list engagement is called list health...

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How does the past experience of people on your list influence their interest in receiving ongoing email from you? It turns out...

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GDPR & List Building: the Essential Guide

The General Data Protection Regulation (commonly, GDPR) came into effect in May 2018. It impacts all businesses and organizations, everywhere in the world, that collect and process data from EU citizens. Meaning, it impacts most of us...

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The General Data Protection Regulation (commonly, GDPR) came into effect in May 2018. It impacts all businesses and organizations, everywhere in the world,...

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Beat the Curse of Knowledge

The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that leads us to overestimate the knowledge of our audience. If you allow this curse to infect your writing, you may unwittingly leave supporters feeling confused an alienated. To...

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The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that leads us to overestimate the knowledge of our audience. If you allow this curse...

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When’s the Best Time to Send Your Email Broadcast?

It would be a lie to claim that ‘delivery time’ is a highly influential factor in email open rates. Compared to heavyweights like subject lines, sender identities, and list health, there’s very little contest...

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It would be a lie to claim that ‘delivery time’ is a highly influential factor in email open rates. Compared to heavyweights...

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When to Send an Email ‘Chaser’

You’ve sent your action or appeal broadcast. It went okay. But you’re not satisfied that enough supporters noticed it or recognized its urgency. Enter, the chaser email. This is one of the simplest tricks in the book...

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You’ve sent your action or appeal broadcast. It went okay. But you’re not satisfied that enough supporters noticed it or recognized its urgency...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Remarketing & Custom Audiences

Have you ever visited a website only to notice that ads for that site seem to ‘follow’ you around the Internet? You’ve been retargeted. Retargeting (also known as ‘remarketing’ or ‘pixel tracking’) lets you ‘tag’ visitors who...

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Have you ever visited a website only to notice that ads for that site seem to ‘follow’ you around the Internet? You’ve been...

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