Hello, Changemaker!

Karen Nilsen

Hi I’m Karen. I want to share with you the tactics I’ve used to build digital power and engage a supporter base of millions. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Say More (by Saying Less)

Knowing how much or how little to say starts with being clear about your objective. Rarely is it our job to turn readers into subject-matter experts. Mostly, we’re in the business of motivating people to action. If...

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Knowing how much or how little to say starts with being clear about your objective. Rarely is it our job to turn readers...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Web Page Optimization

You are not your audience. Five humbling words that explain why so many messages fall flat, emails flop, and web pages fail. Could you afford to continue investing time in something that wasn’t...

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You are not your audience. Five humbling words that explain why so many messages fall flat, emails flop, and web pages...

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Email Preview Text: What You Need to Know

Preview text appears in most email clients in the form of a few words after or below a subject line. While it doesn’t have the same pull as a subject line, it does give you a ‘second...

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Preview text appears in most email clients in the form of a few words after or below a subject line. While it doesn’t...

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One Email. ONE ASK.

Sometimes, the purpose of an email can be simply to inform. But often, we’re trying to get someone somewhere. An action page. A donation form. A video... When your email has a destination, be protective of...

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Sometimes, the purpose of an email can be simply to inform. But often, we’re trying to get someone somewhere. An action page. A...

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Never Stop Learning

These folks are some of the most innovative and transformative communicators in (and beyond) our movement. And they’re on a mission to help us do good better. Worth a follow:Anat Shenker-Osorio is well-known for her work...

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These folks are some of the most innovative and transformative communicators in (and beyond) our movement. And they’re on a mission to help...

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When’s the Best Time to Send Your Email Broadcast?

It would be a lie to claim that ‘delivery time’ is a highly influential factor in email open rates. Compared to heavyweights like subject lines, sender identities, and list health, there’s very little contest...

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It would be a lie to claim that ‘delivery time’ is a highly influential factor in email open rates. Compared to heavyweights...

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