There’s more than one way to build an email list. The various types of digital assets you can use to attract people to your list are your list building entry points. Choosing the right entry points can...
2 minute readThere’s more than one way to build an email list. The various types of digital assets you can use to attract people to...
Find out moreWhat’s the magic number of emails you need to send to maximize supporter engagement and minimize fatigue?The answer is “five”. Kidding. It would be nice if it were that simple. But your ideal email frequency is unique...
3 minute readWhat’s the magic number of emails you need to send to maximize supporter engagement and minimize fatigue?The answer is “five”. Kidding. It would...
Learn thisIt can feel intuitive to place your action form elements at the end of your page—after your theory of change. However, your supporter might lose interest or fail to grasp their own relevance unless you spell it...
2 minute readIt can feel intuitive to place your action form elements at the end of your page—after your theory of change. However, your supporter...
Learn moreIt would be a lie to claim that ‘delivery time’ is a highly influential factor in email open rates. Compared to heavyweights like subject lines, sender identities, and list health, there’s very little contest...
3 minute readIt would be a lie to claim that ‘delivery time’ is a highly influential factor in email open rates. Compared to heavyweights...
Find out moreHow does the past experience of people on your list influence their interest in receiving ongoing email from you? It turns out quite a lot. The measure of overall email list engagement is called list health...
3 minute readHow does the past experience of people on your list influence their interest in receiving ongoing email from you? It turns out...
Read thisA well-placed stat will add weight to your writing—particularly when it’s referenced with a credible source. When working with numbers, all care must be taken to not misinterpret or over-simplify the data. There are therefore good reasons...
2 minute readA well-placed stat will add weight to your writing—particularly when it’s referenced with a credible source. When working with numbers, all care must...
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