Technology moves at light-speed. Every day, smart people are pushing the boundaries of digital design, user experience, and communication. If we hope to change the world, that needs to include us. Learn to...
3 minute readTechnology moves at light-speed. Every day, smart people are pushing the boundaries of digital design, user experience, and communication. If we hope...
Find out moreSPOILER: it’s not good. Sure—you know you’re writing an email to 5,000 people. But your task is to make your reader feel like you’re writing only to them. When ‘broadcasting’ language slips into our writing,...
4 minute readSPOILER: it’s not good. Sure—you know you’re writing an email to 5,000 people. But your task is to make your reader feel like...
Read thisHow tempting is it to ‘bust myths’ and confront your opponent’s ridiculous claims head-on!? Hint: very. Proceed with caution—countering false claims can unintentionally reinforce them. However, if you can reframe the conversation, you get to own it...
How tempting is it to ‘bust myths’ and confront your opponent’s ridiculous claims head-on!? Hint: very. Proceed with caution—countering false claims can unintentionally...
Keep readingWhat draws people to your cause? What motivated your supporters to take their first action? What did they feel when they first donated? Why do you exist? The answer to all these questions is the same. And...
4 minute readWhat draws people to your cause? What motivated your supporters to take their first action? What did they feel when they first donated?...
Learn thisI’m not saying don’t do heroic things. Keep that up! But when you’re telling your supporters a story of injustice, there’s only space for one hero—and it’s not you. Let me explain... Every story...
3 minute readI’m not saying don’t do heroic things. Keep that up! But when you’re telling your supporters a story of injustice, there’s only...
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