Hello, Changemaker!

Karen Nilsen

Hi I’m Karen. I want to share with you the tactics I’ve used to build digital power and engage a supporter base of millions. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

What’s the Perfect Subject Line Length?

In 2025, more emails are being viewed on iPhones than any other device. The average iPhone affords us a measly 41 characters before subject lines are cropped. That’s roughly seven words. Anything beyond this and you...

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In 2025, more emails are being viewed on iPhones than any other device. The average iPhone affords us a measly 41 characters...

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Please, Abandon Your Action Lists

As changemakers, it’s our job to dream up all the ways our supporters can get involved to help our cause or win our campaign. However, we can do better than simply listing these actions. Action lists...

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As changemakers, it’s our job to dream up all the ways our supporters can get involved to help our cause or win...

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Give Your Headline ‘Consequence’

Of all the ‘rules’ out there for writing page headlines, this is the most transformative. If your headline sits on a petition or advocacy page, use it to communicate the ‘pain or consequence’ that follows from...

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Of all the ‘rules’ out there for writing page headlines, this is the most transformative. If your headline sits on a petition...

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11 Tips That Will Help You Write Better Subject Lines

Don’t undercut a great email by hiding it behind a poor subject line. These few words have the power to make or break your broadcast. Inboxes are generally cluttered, un-fun places. You can either...

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Don’t undercut a great email by hiding it behind a poor subject line. These few words have the power to make or...

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Choose the Right Messenger

Great communication is not just about what you say but how you say it. Who says it also matters. You won’t always be the best vehicle for your message. It helps to know when someone else...

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Great communication is not just about what you say but how you say it. Who says it also matters. You won’t always...

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How NOT to Write a Thank-You Email...

For several years, I drove a strategy at Animals Australia to send ‘thank-you’ emails to action takers that were jam-packed with followup asks. This is not an uncommon approach. And on the surface, it’s easy to...

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For several years, I drove a strategy at Animals Australia to send ‘thank-you’ emails to action takers that were jam-packed with followup...

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