Most organizations want to grow their online audience. Some of us rely entirely on our supporters to fuel actions and fundraising—the organizational mission depends on it. In this case, list building is literally mission critical. You...
3 minute readMost organizations want to grow their online audience. Some of us rely entirely on our supporters to fuel actions and fundraising—the organizational...
Read thisSerious question. Success is more than a number. It’s an outcome. An increase in list size isn’t an end-goal; 1,000 inactive contacts are worth less to your cause than one engaged supporter! Your aim...
2 minute readSerious question. Success is more than a number. It’s an outcome. An increase in list size isn’t an end-goal; 1,000...
Learn thisWhen you hear of organizations that have amassed millions of online supporters, the first question that often comes to mind is: where did they all come from!? (Followed by: can I have some?) Few organizations talk...
4 minute readWhen you hear of organizations that have amassed millions of online supporters, the first question that often comes to mind is: where...
Learn thisThere’s more than one way to build an email list. The various types of digital assets you can use to attract people to your list are your list building entry points. Choosing the right entry points can...
2 minute readThere’s more than one way to build an email list. The various types of digital assets you can use to attract people to...
Learn thisDon’t wait for supporter fatigue to set in before creating a plan to mitigate it. Nice idea, right? Most of us only recognize the threat of supporter fatigue after it’s infected our list. By that time, campaign,...
3 minute readDon’t wait for supporter fatigue to set in before creating a plan to mitigate it. Nice idea, right? Most of us only recognize...
Read thisI’m so glad you’re here. While it’s far from the most exciting, retention is arguably the most important factor in the success of a long-term digital strategy. Think of these strategies as investments. Relationships take time. Don’t...
5 minute readI’m so glad you’re here. While it’s far from the most exciting, retention is arguably the most important factor in the success of...
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