Dear %firstName%,
For decades factory farming industries have profited from the fact that the cruelty they inflict upon animals has been hidden from the public. Now, they are fighting tooth and nail for their right to keep consumers ignorant.
The rural lobby, led by the National Farmers' Federation, has mounted a very ugly attack on Coles and its parent company Wesfarmers. They've publicly called for mass boycotts by producers. What could they possibly be so worked up about?
A little winged pig on a shopping bag, appealing for a 'world without factory farming'.
In the past 24 hours Coles has been overwhelmed by public praise for supporting Make it Possible. They are well aware that their customers want an end to factory farming too. But we could not watch on as a vicious political assault was unleashed simply because Coles is supporting a campaign to improve the lives of animals. In the midst of this sinister attack, those at the very heart of this issue -- the animals -- appear to have been forgotten. That's why Animals Australia has asked Coles to remove these bags from sale, for now.
Don't for a second think that this means we are stopping. We're simply changing gears. And we're about to press hard on the accelerator.
The hens mercilessly confined to battery cages -- the pigs who suffer perpetual boredom in tiny crates -- and the 'meat' chickens who will grow up never having seen sunlight -- deserve no less.
These are the animals that the National Farmers' Federation doesn't want anyone to see. They don't even want them to be seen on a shopping bag. So instead, we're going to beam them into every living room in the country. Starting next week, we will put the award-winning Make it Possible ad back on television -- nation-wide.
Every caring Australian has the right to be furious that our farming lobby has actively attacked an initiative that would only help give animals quality of life. The best way to channel that outrage is by achieving the very thing they were trying to avoid -- exposing the plight of factory farmed animals. Now we are determined to do this 100 fold. Can you help us %firstName%? We're seeking urgent donations to help keep the Make it Possible ads on TV in front of caring Australians. Even just $20 will help reach many thousands of people with the truth about factory farming. Click here to make a donation right now.
As testing as this week has been, I am encouraged because the fear underpinning this industry attack is a clear reflection of the impact we are making on behalf of animals. And for that, %firstName%, I cannot thank you enough!

Lyn White
Campaign Director |

P.S. If you missed out on picking up a Make it Possible bag at Coles this week, you can still order one through our online shop.
P.P.S. We know that Coles is standing firm on its commitment to improving the lives of animals in its supply chains and its support of Make it Possible. You can still thank them on Facebook and Twitter.
37 O'Connell St,
North Melbourne
Victoria 3051, Australia |
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